Review our Coffee Appreciation Gallery

Review our Coffee Appreciation Gallery

Posted on 11th December 2016 in What's New at HQ? by Meg Loudon
We held our event - find out what happened!

The Coffee Brothers team were very proud and happy to hold our first in store appreciation event - the Coffee Appreciation Gallery. With a fair level of planning and a lot of staff training, we managed to put together an showcase afternoon of the wonderful world of coffee designed purely for the home brewers.

We won't recount minute by minute what happened at the event, but hope to provide a broad spectrum of observations from what was our first, of hopefully many, coffee events. The afternoon featured a welcome speech by Tony Macri, followed by a cupping session. The guests attending had the chance to observe the industry process of how we choose and select and appreciate beans that have come directly from the farmers before being used and sold commercially. The cupping process is a unique one not easily able to put into words and it is certainly an experience that is awkward to get used you - especially the weird slurpping sounds. But the point of holding a small cupping at this event was not to scare our guests (which I hope we didn't), but to introduce them to the world of coffee from behind the scenes, before the coffee hits the cafe that they are then familiar with.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent wandering around various stations. The guests had the chance to observe and then practice themselves how to make an Aeropress, V60 Pour Over, Moccamaster, use a home espresso machine and learn how to steam milk on a professional cafe grade machine. It came at no surprise that, in the lead up to Christmas and the holiday season, as well as the obvious ease of use, that the Aeropress was the most popular station to observe and trial. The Aeropress is a baristas go-to travel tool and it is almost too easy to use - hence why it drew so many people in. that, and our incredibly good-looking and talented staff!

We hope that this event draws enough interest for people to consider just how much effort goes into this industry that we love so much and we hope to allow our customers on a regular basis to become more familiar with these newer brew methods they are not familiar with.

Stay tuned for more events at our CB HQ. For photos, check out our cafe shenanigans gallery at the top of the screen, or head to our fb page! If you attended, please feel free to let us know your thoughts on the event! Like always, we love hearing from you!

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