Our Blog

Archive - Posts from October 2016

First thing's first: Welcome to the CB blog!

We are very excited to really get this page up and running with an incredible variety of knowledge to share with you.

At CB, we live and breathe specialty coffee and with our passion growing so hard and fast, we continue to discover so many interesting things about the crazy world of coffee. We are so very lucky to share this passion and industry with some incredible people and we absolutely love to expand our knowledge and we love sharing it just as much.

So the purpose of these blogs is very simple. Our focus will be on the home brewers, on the the customers, on the greenies just starting coffee and hospitality. We want to share everything with you so you too can fall in love with what is known to bring people together both in a community and across the world.

So welcome.

(P.S. This is all about sharing, so please let us know if there is something you’d like to read about or read more about or even if you just want to share your comments and experiences. We love hearing from you!)

The Basic Do's & Don't's of Storage

Posted on 18th October 2016 in Tips by Meg Loudon
What's the best way to store your coffee beans so that it can last as long as possible?!

I will keep this one short and sweet!

This may seem like a basic topic but the way you store your coffee should NOT be underestimated! It may influence your machines and will certainly impact flavour. So without fluffing around, here are my go-to tips to preserve your coffee beans:


  • DON’T leave your coffee beans in the sun – it will go stale like bread
  • DO keep your coffee away from the light
  • DON’T leave your coffee beans open to the air – again, like bread, they will go stale faster
  • DO keep your coffee in a sealed bag or container. Your best option is a foil bag with the air vacuum often used and provided by the barista
  • DON’T keep your beans in an oven! Heat kills the flavour!
  • DO keep your beans somewhere cool. BUT;
  • DON’T (just don’t!) put your beans in the fridge! Don’t do it! It doesn’t preserve them, it only adds moisture to the beans, which kills the flavour and ruins your grinder’s blades. Similarly, with freezing, unless you have a blast freezer that freezes the beans so fast moisture can’t get in – don’t do it.

In summary – the best way to store your coffee beans is in a

Dark, dry, cool place sealed from the air

Additionally, on preserving flavour, try to keep your coffee as whole beans and grind what you need to order. This preserves the freshness and intensity of flavour in the coffee longer. Obviously we understand that this is not possible or practical for everybody, but it is certainly something to consider if you are an avid home brewer – a grinder (even a hand grinder) may be a good investment.

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